National Parks and Wildlife Service – for the outdoor explorer

Children’s University is delighted to welcome National Parks and Wildlife Service, within The Department for Environment and Water (DEW), as our newest Learning Destination partner.

Nation­al parks have a long and proud his­to­ry in South Aus­tralia. 51 years ago the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Act was enact­ed in a crit­i­cal step towards con­serv­ing and pro­tect­ing native wildlife and the envi­ron­ment. There are now 358 parks and reserves which cov­er 21.6% of South Aus­tralia. These beau­ti­ful and valu­able pro­tect­ed areas con­serve impor­tant ecosys­tems, habi­tats, flo­ra and fau­na, unique land for­ma­tions, and cul­tur­al­ly sig­nif­i­cant places.   

National Parks help ensure we con­tin­ue to have clean air, soil and water, and con­tribute to glob­al efforts to con­serve bio­di­ver­si­ty against the impacts of cli­mate change. For First Nations Aus­tralians, pro­tect­ed areas are invalu­able in main­tain­ing con­nec­tions to their Coun­try.

South Aus­trali­a’s nation­al parks are also a trea­sure trove of her­itage sites that con­nect vis­i­tors to the tri­als, chal­lenges, and sto­ries of the past. We are for­tu­nate in South Aus­tralia to have so many beau­ti­ful nation­al parks to bush­walk, ride, camp and stay in.

From 2023, National Parks and Wildlife Service will begin sharing exciting activities, events and online resources with Children’s University members. Even visiting a park will count towards hours in your passport. So, put on your walking shoes and find a park or camp

site near you!

We can’t wait to hear of your experiences of the rich cul­tur­al her­itage, nat­ur­al beau­ty and unique and endan­gered species of our nation­al parks, which make South Aus­tralia such a spe­cial place.



Park of the Month

The aim of Park of the Month is to connect people with nature by activating park visitation through park events and experiences.

To find out the latest Park of the Month and activity details, visit the National Parks and Wildlife Service website.

Don’t forget to take completed activity sheets to your Children’s University coordinator to receive a stamp in your Passport to Learning.

With the support of The Department for Environment and Water, CU is able to fulfil its goal of supporting and promoting social inclusion at all levels.

By enabling young people in regional South Australia to access the Children’s University program, including school holiday programs and graduation ceremonies, we promote equity of opportunity and establish new pathways for higher education for all children, particularly those affected by disadvantage.

We thank the Honourable Susan Close, Minister for Climate, Environment and Water for her part in supporting South Australian communities and families by enhancing the lives of their children.

For a full list of South Australia’s parks and campgrounds, please check their Website (National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia)